Channel: December 2020 - The Old New Thing
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What should the state of a moved-from object be?

In the C++ language, there is the concept of moving, which is a way of transferring resources from one object to another. The language specifies that a moved-from object is in a legal but indeterminate...

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How can I emulate the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag on systems that don’t...

Windows 8 introduced the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag to the Reg­Notify­Change­Key­Value function. But what if you need to run on systems older than that? One of the recommended workarounds for the...

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How can I emulate the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag on systems that don’t...

We continue our exercise of emulating the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag, this time for the case where we don’t have a readily-available persistent thread. In that case, we can use one from the thread...

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How can I emulate the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag on systems that don’t...

We continue our exercise of emulating the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag, this time trying to address the problem we discovered where our proposed solution can end up starving the thread pool due to...

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How can I emulate the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag on systems that don’t...

We continue our exercise of emulating the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag by making the whole thing a coroutine, assuming you’re willing to take the anachronism to an extreme by using C++20 features in...

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How can I emulate the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag on systems that don’t...

We complete our somewhat pointless exercise of emulating the REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC flag by making our coroutine resilient to failure partway through. This requires you to accept the anachronism of...

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Why is the HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED notification raised when a window is...

The shell notification HSHELL_WINDOW­CREATED means that there is a new top-level unowned visible window. Conversely, HSHELL_WINDOW­DESTROYED means that a window is no longer a top-level unowned visible...

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What are these duplicate services whose names differ just by random...

If you open Task Manager and go to the Services tab, you may find that there are some services which appear to be exact duplicates of each other, except that there are random characters appended to...

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Why are the C and C++ compilers giving me error messages about int when my...

You’re trying to get your code to compile without errors, and you’re working through the error list, and then you get to some error message that complains about int when your code never mentions int:...

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How can I create a non-circular tab order, or some other type of custom...

Normally, the tab order in a dialog follows a fixed sequence: Hitting the Tab key moves forward through the sequence, and hitting Shift+Tab moves backward through the sequence, wrapping around when the...

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